Lawn feed is a product that contains a lot of minerals, with which grass can make sugars. Everyone wants to have a beautiful green lawn, and you can only achieve this by using lawn feed. Lawn feed does not provide nutrition directly to the grass, but rather fills the soil of the lawn with nutrition. The grass can easily extract this from the soil and ensure that everything is absorbed. Photosynthesis allows the grass to convert these minerals in the soil into sugars. These sugars are stored by the grass and enable it to develop better. Why do we fertilise the grass? And why do we sow grass seeds again? In this article, we will discuss this in detail so that you can find out more.
Why use lawn fertiliser?
By using regular lawn fertiliser, you can be sure that your lawn is not lacking anything. However, it is important that you use the right kind of fertiliser. Look for high-quality lawn food so that you can be sure that there are enough minerals in the soil. Because the grass stores sugars, it can also develop a lot better. When mowing, there is a big chance that the grass loses its sugar layer. That is why it is important to fertilise the grass regularly so that it retains its beautiful colour. When buying lawn fertiliser, it is important to look at the contents. There are many differences, and you should look in particular at the NPK minerals. The ratio of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, among other things, is very important and should be checked carefully. That’s why you should only buy your lawn food at a reliable supplier, like the internet website of Moowy.
Why sow grass seeds again?
Of course, you need to sow grass seeds if you want to plant a new lawn in your garden. Many people think that is the only reason why we sow grass seeds. Yet, many people do not know that you also have to sow grass seeds at other times. One of these is when you want your lawn to look nice. If the lawn has dried out or thinned out, it is important that you start sowing again. This way you make sure it stays beautiful, and you can continue to enjoy your beautiful lawn. There are many different types of grass seed, and you should take a good look at them. Read the information on each type of grass seed carefully and check which one you need. How to sow grass seed? You can do this in different ways, or have a professional do it for you.