Tips To Help You Stay Sane During Brain Fog

It happens to everyone. You get so busy you forget the little things that you would normally do every day. You may have even heard of parents that regularly pick their children from school, and yet they forget them one day. Or, you may have heard of someone that spoke to friends and agreed to meet them, yet a few hours later they had forgotten about the arrangement to meet for drinks. Yes, that momentary lapse in memory, or the foggy brain, can happen to anyone in this hectic world with such an insane amount of data we absorb each day. Here are three tips to help you stay sane during those times.

Don’t Forget To Go Shopping

Getting home from the office at seven after a long day and finding you have no food in the house can be depressing. So, don’t forget to go shopping and stock up on food on the weekend. You can make it a regular occurrence, and to make it a special treat you look forward to, treat yourself to a special something while you are out, such as a latte or breakfast bagel.

Don’t Lock Yourself Out

Yes, it happens to everyone, but that doesn’t make it any less frustrating when you lock yourself out of your home or car. When it happens, call the Orlando lockout services and then give a neighbor or best friend a key in case it ever happens again.

Don’t Spend Too Much Time Alone

It is easy to want to spend time alone on the weekend after a long work week, but if you don’t have some downtime with friends or family, you could become depressed. It is always good to have people to laugh with, even if it is only over a really horrible movie.

Being forgetful happens to everyone. When it happens to you, and your brain feels foggy, stay sane with these three tips. After the fog passes, you can have a laugh about everything you forgot to remember.